Year 2

Welcome to the Year 2 Remote Learning page
Year 2 
Here is some learning for you to try at home. We have learnt a lot in Year 2 already, here is a chance to practise what you have learnt and show off to the adults at home. They will be amazed how fantastic you are!
Choose from these optional challenges. We would love to see some of the things you have done when you return to school.
From Miss Tamlin, Miss Edwards, Miss Williams and the Year 2 team!
We have been writing our own stories based on 'The Dragon Machine'. This story of some troublesome dragons which suddenly appear and need to be returned to the wilderness.
We have focused on using verbs in the past tense and commas for a list. 
What interesting verbs can you think of to tell us what the dragons might do? Choose 3 verbs and use commas for a list e.g.
The troublesome dranged chased cats, shouted and ran around. 
The dragons dances, skipped and swooped. 
Can you spell the words below correctly. Use the look, say, cover, write and check method!
We have started to learn to name and describe 2D and 3D shapes. Which 2D and 3D shapes can you find in your home. Make a poster of the different shapes you found label the vertices and sides.
Maths Seeds
  Log on to Maths Seeds and have a go at completing some of the challenges.
To get your bodies moving and keep active at home, try these links: 

Last term we learnt to name and locate the world's continents and oceans. Use the map above to challenge yourself, can you locate all of the continents and oceans?  Look below for some clues and for the answers in a catchy song!



Continents: Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australasia.

Click here for the answers

Oceans: Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, and Arctic

Click here for the answers




This term in History we are learning about toys of the past (within the last 100 years). Ask the adults at home what their favourite toy was. Find out how it was different from your favourite toy. Draw a poster to show what you found out.



We have been learning to sort and group materials according to their properties. Find some objects from around the home and choose different ways to group them. Use the word card above to help you think of some of the groups you can use. 

How will you tests your ideas?

Take a picture or draw what you found out.

Read your current reading book. Can you add some expression as you read?
Complete a simple book review use the heading from the picture above. (Copy them onto a blank piece of paper).