School Council

Pupil Voice

Pupils develop their understanding of two key British values, democracy and mutual respect via the School Council. Those wishing to be elected present to their class as part of the election process. The children do an excellent job of sharing why they should be elected and for this reason, elections are held every term to give more children the opportunity to be a member of the school council.

School council members meet with Mrs Padbury once week in the meeting room where they share lunch and work together to make a difference. Each term will begin by celebrating what we all like about our school but importantly the focus then moves to how we can make our school even better. Each term children will also have an event/ mini project to work towards.


Spring 2024

Some of the things we like about our school:

· “We all have free space-we never feel over-crowded at the equipment.”

· Children take it in turns at our school.

· Great lunch times.

· Chances to learn so many new things.


Even better if...

· Even more learning outside and use of the fire pit.

· Cooking with grown-ups.

· Athletics equipment could stay out during lunchtime.



· World Book Day-The charity World Book Day is holding its annual celebration on Thursday 7th March right across the UK and Ireland. Children to design posters Present in assembly.

· Link up with Sports Ambassadors to look at ways of promoting competition and sport within school. Review celebration assembly. How do we want this to be?

· Operation Easter. Plan activities and fun! Every child to have an egg.

Guest Speaker: Mrs Alam and Sports leaders.


Summer 2024

Some of the things we like about our school:

  • “Our school is special because we have children from all over the world”.
  • “We all have space to play and learn”.
  • “Children can excel in our school”.
  • “We spread kindness across our school”


Even better if...

  • We never give up and keep working to make our school an even better place.
  • Games and books in the sheltered areas during lunch.
  • Refresh the amphitheatre area



  • Summer Fair 2024. This event is making a comeback!
  • Suggestions for class names 2024/25
  • End of term cake sales.
  • Help with PTFA events like Bags to School.
  • Continue to link up with Sports Ambassadors to look at ways of promoting competition and sport within school.

Guest Speaker:  Rachel from HeadsUp


Autumn 2024

Some of the things we like about our school:

  •         People are kind to each other.
  •         We feel encouraged to do better.
  •         Love that we have so many trees.
  •         That we have several classes in each year so that even more children can come to our lovely school.
  •         There are so many things to do at break and lunch time.
  •         Lots of fun equipment to use.
  •         Lessons are interesting.

Even better if...

  •         Do more to help climate change, make more use of the field, more trips and visits.
  •         In history lessons give children the chance to say what they would like to learn about.
  •         Add more computer science to the curriculum.
  •         More games for wet playtimes in every class.
  •  Focus/ Event:
  •         Children in Need. Decide on the theme. Promote fundraising, design posters, organise and help with cake sale. Present in assembly.
  •         Operation Christmas-Festive jumper day and Christmas lunch.

Guest Speaker: PCSO for our community.

Autumn 2023

The Infant School - the new School Council met with Miss Hearle for the first time and had lots of positive things to say about school and great ideas about how to make it even better!

We like: that we practice our phonics, when we learn our maths, the climbing frame, making friends, maths because each year it gets harder and harder, that we get different lunch every single day, doing MathSeeds, sitting at tables more in Y2

How we could make our school even better: more PE equipment, more clubs, buy some lovely things, more online learning games, put more rubbish in the bin, ice cream stalls, more play equipment on the bottom playground.