Curriculum Intent and Impact

Curriculum Intent

“Stoke Hill is a great place to learn, work and play”

At Stoke Hill we offer a well-rounded education, based on a rich and vibrant curriculum which builds on the children’s cultural capital and is ambitious for all learners, including those with special education needs and disabilities.

Through our curriculum, we develop the essential knowledge, skills and understanding which are the building blocks for future learning and later life. 

Our curriculum aims to go beyond the statutory National Curriculum, to ensure that our children are exposed to the richest and most varied opportunities that we can provide.

The curriculum builds on the children’s interests, is relevant and responsive to local and world-wide events, is mindful of our diverse community, encourages debate and develops the skills needed – with a focus on how to learn, as well as what to learn. 

The curriculum is enhanced by our commitment to the ‘No Outsiders’ programme and our schools Mission Statement : Inspire, Discover, Succeed   

  And we seek to promote the British Values of: 

  •          Mutual respect
  •          Tolerance of different Faiths and Beliefs
  •          Individual Liberty
  •          The Rule of Law
  •          Democracy

Through the curriculum we aim to foster the children’s understanding of how they connect to the past, live in the present and look to the future; encouraging curiosity and a passion to learn.

We aim to promote a resilient attitude towards learning, so that all children enjoy coming to school and embrace new challenges and possibilities; pushing their own boundaries.



Curriculum Impact