Welcome to the Infant School

Welcome to Stoke Hill

Welcome to the Infant School
 We warmly welcome you to our school
Thank you for your interest in our school, we hope that the  information across the website will give you a sense of our school and what it is like to be a learner here.
If you have any questions or queries, please do contact the school and the admin team will pass it onto the appropriate person.

Starting in Reception 

 We are excited to welcome you to the Reception classes.

The Early Years Foundation Stage ~ Reception
The Early Years of Education are the foundation for children’s future development, providing a strong base for lifelong learning and learning abilities, including cognitive and social development.
A revised statutory Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum was implemented in September 2021 for children aged 3-5.  You can view the Department for Education 'What to expect in the Early Years' information for parents below.
We are committed to providing a high quality curriculum that enables children to acquire the skills represented in the framework through meaningful learning opportunities.
We have crafted the curriculum to include a balance of adult-directed and child-initiated activities, considering the intellectual challenge in all that the children experience.

We work hard to build positive and respectful relationships with the children, their families and their community – working in partnership to ensure all children are confident, happy, self-assured and successful.

The Learning Environments in Reception
Each space in Reception has a clear identity and provides different learning possibilities. The Dragonfly class is also the nest, Bee class is also the studio and Ladybird class is the workshop.
Creating in the Studio 

The studio is a dedicated space where children can deeply connect and work collaboratively on projects. They have the time to be curious, follow lines of enquiry and have their learning extended by being introduced to a wide variety of media and resources by a thoughtful, reflective practitioners.

Exploring in the Workshop

Exploring with the blocks in the workshop develops so many areas of learning and development including negotiation, communication and language, and mathematics.

When children are building they are comparing and counting the blocks, measuring distance, using symmetry and continuously solving problems and thinking creatively.

Learning in the Nest

Role play is how children make sense of their world, acting out experiences, ideas or stories. Imagination, which is at the heart of children’s role play, is more important than knowledge according to Albert Einstein, “for knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world.”

Role play takes place throughout the setting, indoors and out. It can be encouraged in a specific area where props to further the play are provided. Arches, windows and fabrics invite children into the role play area and cosy nooks allow them to withdraw for solitary and imaginary play. Natural and recycled materials extend children’s play in open ended ways.

Our Gallery
Take a look at some of the exciting learning that happens in Reception...
Meet the Reception team 2024-25
Mrs Emma Guest

EYFS Lead and Reception Teacher - Bee Class

Mrs Guest's passions are in early child development, particularly speech and language development and also children’s personal development and wellbeing.
Her favourite part of the day is story time and her bag is always full of books that she thinks the class will love!

Miss Rachel Burt

Reception Teacher - Dragonfly Class

Miss Burt is passionate about the Early years and setting up learning environments for the children to learn and explore. She particularly loves exploring outside and seeing the progress children are continually making in all areas of learning.

Miss Esther Brace

Reception Teacher - Ladybird Class

Esther enjoys singing songs and rhymes. She is always finding opportunities to take learning outside.

Mrs Sharon Rourke

Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Mrs Rourke enjoys storytime and can't wait to share lots of lovely books with you.

Miss Collette Bates

Teaching Assistant

Miss Bates enjoys creating silly songs and reading stories. She is looking forward to getting to know the children.

Mrs Laura Hill

Teaching Assistant

Miss Hill enjoys creating stories through role-play or small-world play.

Mrs Mira Grozeva

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Grozeva is looking forward to seeing the children grow in confidence when listening, telling stories or acting through role-play. She also enjoys exploring the arts outside using natural objects.

Mrs Helen Haylett

Teaching Assistant