Parent and Carer Support
In a bid to raise the profile of mental health and well-being at Stoke Hill we recognise there are many strands supporting all partners within our school community. Whilst the education of children and young people is central to the work we do, we also recognise that to share support, ideas and resources extends to the families, parents and carers of our school community. On each monthly newsletter we will be drawing your attention to a series of short video clips (2 mins) and help cards that you may find of use. It may also be just the short video clip that helps towards maintaining that positive well-being that we all strive for.
Parenting Smart- Series of Short Videos and Help Cards.
By clicking on this link you will be able to access the help cards from the series below.
Family Support Work
Family Learning sessions provide an opportunity for parent and child to explore healthy options that not only taste good but can also boost wellbeing. Meaningful conversations reflect on the connections of physical and mental health and how food can support this.
Mental health and wellbeing Hub- pop-up sessions to share information about the support available to families in our community such as;
- Headsup
- Parental Minds
- Normal Magic
- Action for Children
- Devon Carers
- Nexus Social Prescriber and coaches.