Supporting Medical Conditions at Stoke Hill


In this section you will find information about:

  • What to do if your child has a medical condition
  • The school Medical Needs Register
  • Taking medication in school
  • Individual Health Care Plans
  • Who to contact for more information.

Stoke Hill Federation prides itself on being a fully inclusive school. This includes supporting our pupils with any medical needs, in all aspects of school life, whether this be short term or long-term conditions. Across the federation we have many staff who are first aid trained and a number are trained in management of specific conditions e.g. Paediatric Diabetes.

If your child is unwell, please follow the procedure on the ATTENDANCE page which explains how you should notify us your child will be off school and has details of our Attendance Policy. You will also find guidance on common conditions and whether your child should be kept off school and how long for.